Saturday, January 31, 2009

one day i'll be on time.

i'm really bad at keeping up with this, which i blame on a combination of twitter and being lazy. twitter really works great for me, except for in those instances where i want to write more than 140 words. alright, that's pretty often. and this is where the laziness comes in - if i want to write more than 140 words, why not do it here? because i'm lazy!

i don't know what our upstairs neighbors do, but they make a shitload of noise. sometimes it sounds like they're chopping vegetables or something, but i have a hard time believing the sound insulation in our apartment is that bad. maybe it is though, since the people that lived above us before had a child, and whenever said child ran around, it sounded like a fucking elephant. right now they're doing some sort of pounding. not sure if they're hammering something, or (if my vegetable chopping theory is right) tenderizing meat, but damn it's loud. at least it's the middle of the day, and not 3 in the morning or something.

we're making some real progress on buying a house, something that we'll hopefully have accomplished within the next month or so. we found one that we really like, it's a bit further away from both of our jobs, but we couldn't afford to buy anything more than a condo around here, which defeats the purpose of not wanting to live in an apartment. we want space for Dharma to run around and play without having to worry about anyone below us getting pissed off. i'll miss being close to work, and close to wegman's and so on, but it's a great move for us. the house is a fucking steal (well, provided the inside isn't complete shit, we haven't toured it yet), and it's definitely a great time to buy.

so that's it for now. maybe i'll keep up on this more. i'll certainly try.

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