Sunday, September 14, 2008

whoa black Bettie.

it's still really hard for me to cope with Bettie being gone. it's been just over 2 weeks since she died, and it's tough. there's still little things all around the apartment that remind me of her, and every now and then, i'll see a shadow out of the corner of my eye and think it's her. sometimes Dharma will run into the guest room, which was basically Bettie's room, and she'll jump up on the bed and sit and look up on the bookshelf where Bettie's bed was, like she's just waiting for her to come back.

it just makes no sense to me, i mean she was only 5 years old, had no prior history of any health problems at all, and then like that... she's gone. i still don't really know what happened, and i never will, so there's no use dwelling on it, because it'll just drive me nuts trying to figure it out. i'm just glad i was able to be with her when she passed, petting her and letting her know that i love her.

she was definitely a little devil, but at the same time, she was the sweetest cat. once she finally got over Dharma being in the house, any time she heard me sit on the couch, she'd be in my lap in seconds. i'm glad to know that she was happy here, unlike the house in Marshall where she was obviously very stressed out. it's weird, but there was a definite difference in her behavior between there and here. i guess it makes sense, since our apartment is brand new and there had never been any other animals in it before. and as long as we're still here, there won't be another cat. as silly as it might seem, this was her house, and it will stay that way.

she'll be missed, and she'll always be in my heart.

current song: sigur ros - hufupukar