Sunday, September 14, 2008

time flies.

it's really weird to me going through the facebook list of people that i graduated with (fyi, i hate facebook), and recognizing maaayyyybe 10% of them. and i'm just talking about by name. but i mean really, it's been over 11 years since i graduated high school. jesus christ, that's a long fucking time.

when i think of it like that, maybe my memory isn't as shitty as i thought. maybe it's just because it's been 11 years since i've seen, talked to, or thought of any of these people. sure, i could have gone to my reunion last year, but honestly, i don't care. i stay in touch with a few people, and that's good enough for me.

i think.

what if it turns out some of the people i haven't talked to in forever are completely awesome people? what if the people i wanted nothing to do with could now be my best friends? and on the flip side, what if these same people think i'm the biggest jackass in the world? they're all "grown up", college educated, have kids, etc., and here i am. pretty much the same dude i was 11 years ago, just smarter and more mature. but you know what? fuck it.

i never made it through college because frankly, it bored the shit out of me. but i've still got an awesome job that pays me well. i'm doing something i really love, and i don't have to wear a suit and tie to work. not even close. you know what i wore to work friday? dickies shorts, grime x vans slip-ons, and a seven generations t-shirt. that's not a "casual friday" thing, that's every day attire. so i'm good on the job front.

i don't really want to be a "grown up". sure, i'd like to have a nicer car, and we're looking into buying a house, which are obviously more "grown up" things, but i just have a hard time picturing myself as a stereotypical "grown up". i don't give a shit about the rat race, i'm not going to have kids, and if the hosue i buy has a garage, i'll paint graffiti in it.

i guess the whole point of this was that i think some people just change more than others. and obviously, there's nothign wrong with that. i'm really proud of the people i know that have gone to school, started families, and are living that "grown up" american dream. it's not for me, but do what makes you happy. that's the important thing.

current song: god is an astronaut - rememberance

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